Oving Parish Council is not the responsible authority for deciding planning applications. We are consulted on planning applications affecting the village.
Specific applications are discussed at Parish Council meetings under a Planning item on the agenda. We welcome input from villagers to help councillors represent their views. Let us know what you think. Please click here to get in touch.
Aylesbury Vale District of Buckinghamshire Counicl has a public planning portal where you can see details of current and past planning applications.
Aylesbury Vale District planning portal
If you wish to make a comment on an application you can do so in the individual planning application pages. It is very helpful for comments to be made by individuals as well as the parish council since there is certainly weight in numbers. All comments are passed to the planning officer responsible and in the event that the Development Control Committee debates the application all comments are passed to them. Members of the public may attend the committee meetings and can register to speak. Full instructions are on the website.
Specific applications are discussed at Parish Council meetings under a Planning item on the agenda. We welcome input from villagers to help councillors represent their views. Let us know what you think. Please click here to get in touch.
Aylesbury Vale District of Buckinghamshire Counicl has a public planning portal where you can see details of current and past planning applications.
Aylesbury Vale District planning portal
If you wish to make a comment on an application you can do so in the individual planning application pages. It is very helpful for comments to be made by individuals as well as the parish council since there is certainly weight in numbers. All comments are passed to the planning officer responsible and in the event that the Development Control Committee debates the application all comments are passed to them. Members of the public may attend the committee meetings and can register to speak. Full instructions are on the website.