OPAG & Donate a gateOving has an extensive network of footpaths – around nine miles in total – often with beautiful views. Although our footpaths are enjoyed by many people, stiles can make access difficult and are often a barrier for large dogs – and hence their owners.
Oving Paths Action Group (OPAG), made up of villagers and parish councillors, is working to improve footpath accessibility and enjoyment, and replace stiles with kissing gates (where there is livestock) or ordinary latch gates. There are a number of sites where replacement gates will open up access for all. A full survey of all the stiles, bridges, signage, maintenance and general accessibility of footpaths in the parish has been undertaken Areas to improve have been identified, concentrating on those nearest to the village and which provide circular routes or connect to other paths. Where appropriate, landowners are being contacted about problems of access or maintenance. Major structures are the responsibility of Bucks County Council and are being inspected. The Parish Council is providing £1,000 to fund the replacement of stiles on some of our priority paths. The work will be carried out over the coming months by rRIPPLE (ramblers Repairing & Improving Public Paths for Leisure & Exercise), who freely give their time. Although their labour is provided on a voluntary basis, the gates themselves have to be funded. For example, a new kissing gate costs £250. Donate a Gate A new footpath gate to replace a stile costs £250 (kissing gate or standard latch gate). The gates are manufactured of galvanised steel for longevity and all are self-closing. They are installed, at no cost, by rRIPPLE volunteers. Included is a donor's engraved plaque. Information about the scheme is on the website: http://www.bucks-wmiddx-ramblers.org.uk/donate-a-gate.html A map of the parish footpaths is in the 'Oving and its Footpaths' booklet, copies of which are available from parish councillors. If you would like to donate, or help fund a new gate in any way, or for any amount, please get in touch. |